Care Following Oral Surgery
Proper care of the mouth following oral surgery can reduce complications and increase comfort
Bleeding it is normal to have a small amount of blood accumulate in the mouth after surgery. In order to keep this at a minimum we as that you do the following:
Pain within 30 minutes following surgery, take pain medication with clear liquids.
Sutures all sutures used in our office are dissolvable, and will normally be gone within five(5) to ten(10) days
Swelling may occure over the first few days and decrease over time. Apply cold packs the first two days continuously, as tolerated. Cold packs can be made by placing wet counter sponges in baggies and freezing. please keep head elevated 45 degrees immediately following surgery. Use pillows under back and head while sleeping. After the first two days, hot packs should be used to dominish swelling along with hot water rinses. This is done to encourage circulation in the area
Oral Hygiene After surgery do not rinse vigorously for 48 hours. Do not use peroxide of mouthwash. Because of a high alcohol content, the use of commercial mouthwash during the healing period is not encouraged. Two days after surgery you may begin soaking hte mouth with hot water three times a day. It is important that the heat penetrate the muscles to help open your mouth. The toothbrush should be used carefully on a daily bases especially the posterior teeth. A CLEAN MOUTH HEALS FASTER
Irrigation You will be given an irrigating syringe to flush out debris fromt he lower extraction sites. Begin using this 4 times a day, especially after meals. Do this by placing the tip of the syringe down the socket and flushing. You will need to use this for one(1) to two(2) weeks until the incisions are healed
Diet For a period of time, you will have difficulty eating a normal diet. Because of muscle soreness, chewing may be a problem. Avoid milk products including milk shakes, ice cream, and yogurt the day of the surgery. The second day you may add milk products to your diet. Cool foods are best for hte first day to prevent bleeding. Thereafter, warm foods are fine. (Please rinse following meals with the syringe after the first four(4) days
Suggested Foods
Activity You will not be required to remain in bed. However, exertional activity is to be avoided totally for four(4) full days. Exertional activity is anything that may increase the pulse rate or blood pressure such as: Skiing, Swimming, jogging, Lifting, Gymnastics, dancing, Physical Education, Etc.
Follow Up Most patients will heal well and feel normal within a week following surgery. No follow-up appointment is usually necessary. If pain or swelling persist or increase after three(3) or four(4) days, call our office for an appointment to be seen as soon as possible. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL IF ANY QUESTIONS ARISE